Niagara Falls Police Hunt For Captor In Alleged Abduction

The Niagara Falls Police department is hunting for Michael Ciskiewic after a woman who lived down the street from him was found chained in his basement.

Police Captain Kelly Rizzo told the Niagara Gazette the police started getting calls from the missing woman's family the day she disappeared. Niagara Officers from the K-9 tracking unit reported to the woman's house and quickly were able to track her woman down a few houses away.

Police surrounded the home of Michael Ciskiewic and initiated a 12-hour standoff before they realized the suspect was not at home.

Officers shot tear gas canisters through the window of the house and discovered the unidentified woman chained to a pole in the basement.

The woman was taken to Erie County Medical Center after she was freed and is expected to be released from the hospital later today.

Police Officers are asking for anyone who knows the whereabouts of Michael Ciskiewic to contact the Niagara Police department.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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