Councilwoman Tired of Taxpayers Footing The Bill For Columbia Unrest

Len Berman and Michael Riedel talked with New York City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino from Queens 19th district about the political unrest caused by anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University. 

Paladino congratulated the NYPD and Mayor Adams for clearing the pro-Palestinian protesters from the campus of Columbia University and Hamilton Hall. "What I don't understand said Paladino, is why Columbia expects the NYPD to provide security for the rest of the semester. Columbia's endowment is 13.6 billion dollars, more than enough to pay for their security. Why should the city pay for the unrest caused by these ivory tower spoiled brats, screw them, and let them dip into their own pockets for a change?"

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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